Find Your Inner Jackson Pollock: Create Unique Art for your apartment

Spattering paint on a canvas is a fun, easy DIY project that gives you a unique piece of art to hang in your apartment. Image:

Splashing paint on a canvas is a fun, easy DIY project that gives you a unique piece of art to hang in your apartment.

It can be frustrating when you have little control over the way your apartment is decorated . You can not paint the walls, you can not modify the devices and you might not even change the curtains

However, there is one thing you have control .: The art you hang on your walls. The problem is how to find art or images that are truly unique. After all, who wants the same old pictures of Audrey Hepburn or Pinterest art pencil

A spatter canvas painting is a great way to create something that is unique and elegant - something that can never be reproduced, even you! Here is how you can do unique work of art for your apartment in no time.

Always start with a blank canvas. Image: Flickr / kendrickmartin

Always start with a blank canvas. Image: Flickr / kendrickmartin

What you need

  • 1-3 canvases, all sizes
  • 1 flat brush or a sponge brush
  • acrylic paint in colors of your choice (choose a base color and a few accent colors that provide contrast)
  • plastic cups enough for each paint color
  • something to painting with splashes - brushes, utensils or plastic chopsticks, for example. Make sure you have one for each color.
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1. First, choose a base color for your canvas. It may be the color you want, but for a base color, basic colors such as black and white work better. White is obviously the easiest, because you will not need to paint the canvas at all.

2. If you choose a base color other than white, use your flat brush or sponge to paint the canvas. To do so, outside if possible; otherwise, put down newspaper to protect the floor. Be sure to paint the sides and front so that the entire web is covered.

3. Wait for the base color to dry; it could take a few hours, it might be best to leave it overnight.

Each paint color should get its own cup. Image: Flickr / mike krzeszak

Each paint color should get his own cup.

4. For each of the other colors of paint in its own plastic cup.

5. Take your chosen tool splash, dip it in the first color, then flick, rain and splash away! There is no right or wrong way to do it; each technique adds to the unique nature of your canvas.

6. Continue with your other colors until you finish.

7. Wait for it to dry and then hang it on your wall

If you have enough wall space, create more works of art on your other paintings and hang them in a collage. If you used a black base for your first try for the next white - keeping the same color splash -. And they look really cool together on your wall.

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