Surprise your mom with a DIY Planter Box

DIY Planter Box for Mother's DayFlowers With Mother's Day just around the corner, your mom is probably waiting. So how about you do a little something for mom this year? handmade something, like when you were a child? A DIY decorative tray is the perfect item to give his windowsill that extra pop!And if you fear that the construction of something like this may be beyond your level of expertise, do not be afraid. Read on for a guide to make mom a custom planter for housing the fabulous flowers easy step by stepHere are the materials you'll need :.
  • wooden boards (you can ask the partner in home improvement store to cut your pieces for you.)

- @ 1 piece 1 "x 8 "cut 24" long. - this is the basis

- 2 rooms @ 1 "x 8" cut 18 "long - these are the vertical sides

  • 2 pieces of baseboard (these must be the same length as the base I cut. mine to 24 "long, and they were a little over 5" high.)
  • wood glue
  • Brad nailer
  • Clamp
  • Drill with 3/8 "bit
  • sisal rope
  • Caulk
  • Painting
Wood boards for base of DIY planterStart assembling your garden by attaching the sides at the base.

Gorilla glue - DIY planter

a Pinch thin line of wood glue on the lateral edge of the base. Do this for each side you nail on another board.Gluing base of DIY planterAlign the bottom edges of the sides with the base and use a nail gun to secure them to each other. I have a firearm without wire brad nail and is a lifeline for small woodworking projects like this that does not require screws
Tip :. If you decide to use the wood screws, just be sure to drill pilot holes first in order to avoid splitting wood
for this gardener, I nailed the sides to the base 5 different locations. Once on each corner and three, equally spaced along the bottom.Nailed base of DIY planterAlthough the base and sides set up, cut the string holes in the vertical sides.I used my miter saw on the corner at the top of my advice, but you can leave yours with straight sides if you do not have access to a saw. If you do, you can cut corners 30 degrees in each of the upper corners.Mark the center of your board at least 2 "from all sides and punish ironing drill a hole with the 3/8" drillClamped base - DIY Planter Add wood glue to the bottom of the vertical board and both sides -. sticking to the bottom 4 "or because the rest will be exposed on the sides. - then slide the boards between the base and nail them in place with the nailerBare DIY planterto this stage I each filled nail holes with a little bit of caulk, applied a thin layer of glossy acrylic craft paint to bare boards and threaded the rope through each of the side holes and secured them with knots at each end .White painted DIY planter boxAlthough the box was not designed to withstand soil and water, your mom can plant real flowers in a plastic tray (it can remove water) and use the planter box as a decorative housing unit to its removable garden.Otherwise, it is the perfect size for 6 "planted pots or even large Mason jars with flowers planted in them.Finally, you can add a personal touch by painting the planter favorite colors of your mom or stencil designs on the sides. This portable garden is perfect for any space and makes a beautiful, unique gift for Mother's Day.DIY planter box What do you put in your custom planter box? Rheney Williams wrote about his DIY craft projects for Home Depot. Rheney recently renovated the kitchen and other rooms in the Charleston, S.C., at home, which has provided fabulous opportunities for shaping fantastic handicrafts using its new nail gun. Explore the full range of Home Depot power tools including cordless nailer air pressure used for the project Rheney.
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