If you are not sure where to start with the decor, try experimenting with color using a color wheel.
- primary colors (red, yellow and blue)
- secondary colors, which are created by mixing the primary colors (orange, green and purple)
- tertiary colors, which include a primary color associated with a secondary color next to it, such as yellow-orange, red-purple and blue. -Green
- The hue of a color is the base color; For example, green is the color of light green.
- Adding white to a color to a color or black to create a shade, or gray to create a tone, means the value of a color.
- The saturation of a color is its purity. If you are looking for bold, vibrant colors, you will work with highly saturated colors.
- A monochromatic color scheme plays it safe and sticks with a color varying intensities, from light to dark. This is often the easiest color system to begin with, that you only work with one color.
- Complementary colors are located directly opposite each other on the color wheel. Blue and orange are complementary colors, as well as green and red. This color combination is perfect for people who want color combinations bold yet pleasing that create a sense of harmony and offer a visual contrast.
- In the same vein as complementary colors, a palette of similar colors used anywhere from two to six adjacent colors paired with colors on the opposite side of the color wheel, such as blue and purple against red and orange.
- The final color scheme, triad, has three colors that make a triangle in the center of the color wheel, such as orange, green and purple. This color combination is bold but balanced, and can give you lots of colors to play with.
- Cool colors like blue and green soothe your mind, body and spirit and can have a calming effect on your space. These colors work best in rooms where you want to invoke peace and serenity, like a bathroom or bedroom.
- The warm colors like orange, red and yellow inspire energy and invigorate the senses. Use warm colors in rooms where you expect a lot of movement, such as a kitchen, an exercise room or a room for a child games
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